
my multi-domain config stop working after update. I have to switch to single domain config that is working. There some changes in multi-domain config syntax?

Best Regards


Dne 15.7.2011 14:48, Francis Lachapelle napsal(a):
The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of SOGo 
1.3.8. This is a minor release of SOGo which focuses on small new features and 
improved stability over previous versions.

-= What is SOGo =-

SOGo is a free and modern scalable groupware server. It offers shared 
calendars, address books and emails through your favorite Web browser or by 
using a native client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning.

SOGo is standard-compliant and supports CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV and reuses 
existing IMAP, SMTP and database servers - making the solution easy to deploy 
and interoperable with many applications.

SOGo features :

  • Scalable architecture suitable for deployments from dozen to many thousand 
  • Rich Web-based interface that shares the look and feel, the features and 
the data of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
  • Improved integration with Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning by using the 
SOGo Connector and the SOGo Integrator
  • Two-way synchronization support with any SyncML-capable devices 
(BlackBerry, Palm, Windows CE, etc.) by using the Funambol SOGo Connector
  • Excellent integration with Apple iCal 3/4 and Apple iPhone OS 3/4

and many more! SOGo and our connectors are completely free.

-= Changes from the previous release =-

New Features

  • initial support for threaded-view in the webmail interface
  • sogo-tool: new "rename-user" command that automatically updates all the 
references in the database after modifying a user id
  • sogo-tool: new "user-preferences {get,set,unset} command to manipulate 
user's defaults/settings.
  • groups support for IMAP ACLs
  • now possible to define multiple forwarding addresses
  • now possible to define to-the-minute events/tasks
  • the domain can be selected from the login page when using multiple domains 
  • sources from one domain can be accessed from another domain when using 
multiple domains (SOGoDomainsVisibility)
  • added Icelandic translation - thanks to Anna Jonna Armannsdottir


  • improved list selection and contextual menu behavior in all web modules
  • the quota status bar is now updated more frequently in the webmail module
  • automatically create new cards when populating a list of contacts with 
unknown entries
  • added fade effect when displaying and hiding dialog boxes in Web interface
  • updated CKEditor to version 3.6.1
  • updated Russian translation
  • signed Debian packages

Bug Fixes

  • submenus in contextual menus split in multiple lists are now displayed 
  • fixed display of cards/lists icons in public address books
  • no longer accept an empty string when renaming a calendar
  • fixed display of daily events that cover two days
  • fixed time shift issue when editing an event title on iOS
  • fixed bug when using indirect LDAP binds and bindAsCurrentUser
  • fixed bugs when converting an event to an all-day one
  • many small fixes related to CalDAV scheduling
  • many OpenBSD-related fixes

See http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/changelog_page.php?project_id=1 for closed tickets 
and http://sogo.nu/files/downloads/SOGo/Sources/ChangeLog for the complete 
change log.

-= Getting SOGo =-

SOGo is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such, you are 
free to download and try it by visiting the following page :


You can also download the sources by following the instructions on this page:


Frontend clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Lightning (Inverse 
Edition), SOGo Connector and SOGo Integrator extensions are available for 
download from :


Documentation about the installation and configuration of SOGo, Thunderbird or 
mobile devices is available from :


You can also try our online SOGo demo at :


-= How can I help ? =-

SOGo is a collaborative effort in order to create the best Free and Open Source 
groupware solution.

There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project :

  • Documentation reviews, enhancements and translations
  • Write test cases - if you know Python, join in!
  • Feature requests or by sharing your ideas (see the roadmap)
  • Participate to the discussion in mailing lists
  • Patches for bugs or enhancements (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs)
  • Provide new translations 

Feel free to send us your questions. You can also post them to the SOGo mailing 
list: http://sogo.nu/lists/

-= Getting Support =-

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to 

Customer support packages for SOGo are available from 

flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 

    NSGlobalDomain = {
    "sogod" = {
        OCSFolderInfoURL = 
        SOGoProfileURL = 
        OCSSessionsFolderURL = 
        SOGoLanguage = Czech;
        SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Prague;
        SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;
        SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
        SOGoForwardEnabled = NO;
        SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
        SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
        SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
        SOGoOtherUsersFolderName = "Other Users";
        SOGoSharedFolderName = "Sdilene";
        SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = YES;
        SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly = YES;
        SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO;
        SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = NO;
        SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
        SOGoSuperUsernames = (pa...@valbek.cz);
        SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
        SOGoSieveServer = sieve://;
        SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;
        domains = {
            prodex.sk = {
                SOGoMailDomain = prodex.sk;
                SOGoSMTPServer =;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                    type = ldap;
                    CNFieldName = cn;
                    IDFieldName = mail;
                    UIDFieldName = mail;
                    filter = "(mail='*prodex.sk*' OR mail='*valbek.cz*' OR 
mail='*novak-partner.cz*' OR mail='*valbek.sk*')";
                    baseDN = "ou=dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindDN = "cn=ldap,dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindFields = (mail);
                    bindPassword = ******;
                    canAuthenticate = YES;
                    displayName = "Active Directory";
                    hostname =;
                    id = prodex.sk;
                    isAddressBook = YES;
                    port = 389;
                    IMAPHostFieldName = info;
            valbek.cz = {
                SOGoMailDomain = valbek.cz;
                SOGoSMTPServer =;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                    type = ldap;
                    CNFieldName = cn;
                    IDFieldName = mail;
                    UIDFieldName = mail;
                    filter = "(mail='*valbek.cz*' OR mail='*prodex.sk*' OR 
mail='*novak-partner.cz*' OR mail='*valbek.sk*')";
                    baseDN = "dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindDN = "cn=ldap,dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindFields = (mail);
                    bindPassword = *******;
                    canAuthenticate = YES;
                    displayName = "Active Directory";
                    hostname =;
                    id = valbek.cz;
                    isAddressBook = YES;
                    port = 389;
                    IMAPHostFieldName = info;
            novak-partner.cz = {
                SOGoMailDomain = novak-partner.cz;
                SOGoSMTPServer =;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                    type = ldap;
                    CNFieldName = cn;
                    IDFieldName = mail;
                    UIDFieldName = mail;
                    filter = "(mail='*novak-partner.cz*' OR mail='*valbek.cz*' 
OR mail='*prodex.sk*' OR mail='*valbek.sk*')";
                    baseDN = "dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindDN = "cn=ldap,dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindFields = (mail);
                    bindPassword = *******;
                    canAuthenticate = YES;
                    displayName = "Active Directory";
                    hostname =;
                    id = novak-partner.cz;
                    isAddressBook = YES;
                    port = 389;
                    IMAPHostFieldName = info;
            valbek.sk = {
                SOGoMailDomain = valbek.sk;
                SOGoIMAPServer =;
                SOGoUserSources = (
                    type = ldap;
                    CNFieldName = cn;
                    IDFieldName = mail;
                    UIDFieldName = mail;
                    filter = "(mail='*valbek.sk*' OR mail='*valbek.cz*' OR 
mail='*novak-partner.cz*' OR mail='*prodex.sk*')";
                    baseDN = "dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindDN = "cn=ldap,dc=valbek,dc=cz";
                    bindFields = (mail);
                    bindPassword = ******;
                    canAuthenticate = YES;
                    displayName = "Active Directory";
                    hostname =;
                    id = valbek.sk;
                    isAddressBook = YES;
                    port = 389;
                    IMAPHostFieldName = info;

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