On 8/9/2011 10:22 AM, Donny Brooks wrote:
On 8/9/2011 10:21 AM, Adi Kriegisch wrote:

All this is collected at http://wiki.sogo.nu/ResourceConfiguration
(including LDAP schema). If you miss a thing, just add it.
Yes that is the same info that was on the list back in May. Good to have
it in one place. However I still need the objectclass for OpenLDAP. I
have never written one and having a ready to install one would greatly
speed up the process.
As I said before: It is in the Wiki, you just need to download it.

-- Adi
I actually JUST saw that as I got your reply. Sorry about that. Let the input begin!
Ok, I added the schema file to our OpenLDAP server and tried restarting ldap. However I got the following error:

/etc/openldap/schema/calresource.schema: line 159 objectclass: ObjectClass not found: "calEntry"

The offending lines 150-159 are below:

objectclass ( NAME 'CalendarResource'
        DESC 'Calendar Resource Object Class'
            SUP calEntry
            MUST (cn)
            MAY ( kind $ nickname $ description $ ou $ categories $
                 member $ uniquemember $ accessibilityurl $ capacity $
                 owner $ resourcemanager $ timezoneid $
                 multiplebookings $ maxinstances $
                 bookingwindowstart $ bookingwindowend $ vcarduid ) )

Anyone else had a similar error?

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