Move your settings into your SOGoUserSources' entry.
Ludovic Marcotte :: +1.514.755.3630
Inverse inc. ::

-----Original Message-----
From: Donny Brooks <>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:09:30 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Resources

Ok I think I have it somewhat working. However I cannot for the life of 
me get it to reject multiple bookings. Is this the designed behavior? I 
have created a demo resource in ldap and have my GNUstepDefaults setup 
correctly (I think) so I created a test event and "invited" the resource 
to that meeting. It appears to have auto accepted it as it shows busy to 
the other users now when they try to invite it. However there is no 
error message when they reinvite it after I have already invited it.

here is my ldif file I used to add it:

dn: uid=dellinspiron1150,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
objectClass: CalendarResource
objectClass: calEntry
cn: Dell Inspiron 1150
sn: Inspiron 1150
displayName: Dell Inspiron 1150
givenName: Dell
Kind: thing
Multiplebookings: 1
uid: dellinspiron1150

The Multiplebookings: 1 is supposed to only allow ONE invitation correct?

Also in my .GNUstepDefaults I have these settings:


This should be correct right?

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