You stated your mail server is different than your SOGo server and both are running as virtual machines. SOGo is not a mail server. It would seem logical to point your mailboxes to the mail server.

However, if your calendars are on the SOGo server, those URLs would reference the SOGo server.

On 01/18/2014 09:14 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 2014-01-17 11:24 AM, Tanstaafl <> wrote:
When I set up the 'first' email account - do I point the
inbound/outbound mail server settings directly to the mail server, just
like we do now, then follow the instructions when modifying the
Integrator to point it to SOGo?

Or do I point these to the SOGo server too?

Ummm... anyone? It seems to me to be a fairly simple question.


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