That's not what's happening ... see Sven's response

To elaborate: Thunderbird needs to know the following servers:

• SMTP server (can be provided via Thunderbird's autoconfig mechanism)
• IMAP server (same)
• (cal|card)DAV server (provided via sogo Integrator)

Thunderbird CAN use the following services in addition:

• SOGo XPI update server (Integrator, hardcoded to DAV server)
• LDAP address book server (provided by: ?)

IF you place these on separate servers, Thunderbird can autoconfig them.

SOGo does not serve up IMAP accounts (thus, my comments about pointing TB to the IMAP server)

However, SOGo does serve up XPI extensions via its update server, and it can host calendars and address books (or at least provide pointers to them from within the Web insterface)

On 01/20/2014 10:44 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
Thus my question.

So, based on this, if we elect to use the Integrator, then ALL SMTP and IMAP traffic will have to go THROUGH the SOGo server.

This will be VERY inefficient for our 60+ users in the office.

I can definitely understand adding these details into the SERVER config, for when users are accessing the WEB interface to work with their email.

But why force all of this traffic through one pipe for fat clients as well?


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