On 10/12/2015 08:37 AM, Sascha Kasch wrote:
> also tried a lot with activesync and had the same problems with mailboxes
> above 3 or 5 GB. Some of them are even 20+ GB.
> These are my settings with a prefork (/etc/default/sogo) of 15:

Hey Sascha,

I've just tried your settings (on an already "pre"-synced account) and
now it finally says "all folders are up to date" and does not disconnect
every few minutes, seems to be not that bad with your values, thanks a lot!

But still got a user with an subfolder containg about 5000 messages, it
downloads about 100 messages, then ActiveSysnc get's disconnected in
Outlook. After reconncting, about another 100 messages get downloaded,
then it disconnects again....but that mailbox is bigger than 5GB...

Also found an Microsoft-KB about disconnecting, they tell to set the
registry key "PushDuration" to 30 [1]. Just started testing with this key.

> With these settings (and IMAP wordlenght of 4MB) i am able to sync
> approx 4-5GB in an hour. And for small mailboxes this i enough and mostly 
> stable.
> one is do move this mail item to another folder and back and hopefully
> it gets resynced and displayed.
> Another is to delete the .ost cache file and let Outlook resync
> everything. Obviously this is not a way to
> go regulary. This problem is a show stopper for me as i can not say for
> sure if my inbox is always properly synced 

this shouldn't happen, I already can hear them screaming if they finally
find out two weeks later that they've missed some messages...
By the way: I've just deleted one of these ost-files on one of the
clients. Now Outlook creates new folders (Drafts (only this computer),
Trash[1], Sent[1]). Oh god how I hate this piece of software!!

> As i already saw that behavior with Outlook 2013
> being connected via IMAP i cannot blame it on EAS or SOGo.

Did not know this also happens with IMAP. Mail would be such a great
thing to work on - without Outlook. This is the most market-manipulating
thing...life would be much better without that piece of crap
designed to work with Exchange only, everything else is (intentionally)
poorly supported...

Thanks again

Best Regards

[1] https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2781579


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