At 09:26 PM 9/16/2004, Robert Bartlett wrote:
I remember someone saying something about memory usage per email that spamd uses to scan? But cannot find the email, what is the estimated amount of memory used per SA scan? I also have clamav set up

Varies a lot depending on your configuration (bayes vs no bayes, add on rules, etc).

If I start spamd on my system (don't normaly use it because I use MailScanner which calls the API directly) it pops up with a RSS of 26mb. I use bayes with an enlarged database size (200k tokens, instead of 150k) , and a few add-on rules.

A 200k token bayes db should be about 10mb based on info in the manpage, so disabling bayes and using only stock rules could take spamd down to as little as 15mb, however, I've not got the ability to test that right now.

Chris S reported his spamd swelling to 45mb with a huge version of he was testing.

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