> Thanks for the reply! Here is the deal, we are currently deciding what
> we want to do next. Currently we have a Celeron 2.4 gig system with 256
> megs of ram and a 40 gig hdd. In the past week or so our system has come
> to a halt, under 3 megs available, due to a bunch of emails coming in at
> once. At one point we hit 60 emails in a span of 5 minutes. It is a

You don't sound like you have a huge mail rate.  But if you are using addon
rules, you may be getting in the area of doubling or more the original
number of rules, so you should probably at least double the memory
requirement per spamassassin process (or process driver).

My suggestion is that that machine is plenty fast enough for you, but I
would at least double the memory on it.  If its cheap I'd take it up to a
gig or more and be done with it.


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