Jeff Chan wrote:

Default scores should be ok.  The default configuration should
have rules and scores already in place.

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed some advice thus far. I ran some spam through spamassassin via the command line. I su'd to to the amavisd-new user (vscan), and spamassassin -D < spammy-message clearly shows SA accessing the SURBL lists, and scoring the message accordingly. So it is working, sort of.

When messages actually arrive from the Internet, Postfix hands off messages to amavisd-new+SA which let it through just fine without the proper score. The odd part is that messages that are in the regular spamcop relay (not related to SURBL in any way), are scored just fine.

Perhaps someone who's familiar with how amavis interfaces with SA could lend some advice? I'll ask some version of this question on that list as well.


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