Perl 5.6.1.  Solaris 9  SA 3.0.1

I'm set for 3 child processes, and have a round dozen.  So far, they're all anbout 20 megs.


Scott Palmer wrote:
My personal experience is when I start spamd it gets up to about 90M per
child within the 1st minute of running. It never gets any higher than
that, at least that I have noticed.

I tried setting the variables to what you set with no improvement. I am
running Perl 5.8.4 and SA 3.0.1..

I am curious to see what the memory usage is for other people on SA 3.0.1
and what versions of perl you are running.


I've read this mail and the replies to it, and I don't understand why
you are seeing these problems.  I'm running SA on an ia32 Linux box and
a SPARC Solaris box, and I see no problems with the child processes or
memory usage.

One big difference is that I'm using perl 5.6.1 and LANG=C .  It is
pretty commonly known that the socket routines in perl 5.8 have memory
leaks because of a bug in its io subsystem.

A relevant post about this issue can be found here:

And a recommended workaround is to put into your environment
PERLIO=perlio before spawning spamd.  You might see if you have the
latest perl from RedHat.  The most recent one I see is perl-5.8.0-88.3.

In summary, I do not see this as a problem with SA, but some specific
problem in your environment either at the OS level or at the perl level.


| Michael Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| UNIX Systems Administrator              |
| College of William and Mary             |
| Phone: (757) 879-3930                   |



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