On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, Justin Mason wrote:

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Scott writes:
I did realize I had big evil running.. Which by removing that it cut my
memory usage to 42MB per child.. What is the recommended replacement for
big evil? Is it already part of 3.0.1?

SURBL. Support for it is builtin to 3.0.x by default.

All the people who are reporting massive memory usage on 3.0.x, please
try *without* add-on rulesets.  42MB is still about twice the normal
memory usage on an x86 platform, and that's all rules, if it's that
size just after startup.

FWIW, I use no custom rulesets with v3 currently. At least on my system, the memory issues had nothing to do with a custom ruleset or 3.

The --max-children=1 flag to spamd has 'solved' the issue for me... Average child size is around 19-20MB, until 'the event' happens, at which point it jumps to around 320MB.

Jon Trulson    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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