> From: Henri van Riel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > spamd[3164]: identified spam (22.0/5.0) for p3scan:150 in 
> > 135.4 seconds, 3920 bytes.
> > 
> > That's 2 minutes and 15+ seconds for an email little over 3k in
> > size...
> > 
> > I run a small personal mailserver but 90% of my incoming mail is spam
> > and I'd like to do something about that.
> > 
> > SA is invoked by P3Scan.

If you want to eliminate close to 99% of incoming spam and reduce the
load placed on your system by spamassassin implement greylisting.  It
reduced one companies spam problem from a level of 300 to 600 spam
messages a day down to 4 to 8 spam messages a day.  Those that got past
greylisting were duly caught by spamassassin.

The combination works great.

You should be able to find a greylisting implementation for your
particular MTA.  I used milter-greylist with sendmail.  

Scot L. Harris

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