On 30 Aug 2018, at 12:40, Grant Taylor wrote:

> On 08/30/2018 10:16 AM, Bill Cole wrote:
>> It's hard to understand this circumstance based on the generic description.
>> It appears that you have a configuration where a relay is in 
>> trusted_networks (i.e. you believe what it asserts in Received headers) but 
>> it is NOT in internal_networks so it is in the synthetic 
>> X-Spam-Relays-External pseudo-header, it is the only element in 
>> X-Spam-Relays-External so the message matches__DOS_SINGLE_EXT_RELAY, and it 
>> has no rDNS so the message matches __RDNS_NONE.
>> So: why is that nameless machine that you cannot make a named machine NOT in 
>> internal_networks?
> I don't know if this is the OP's case or not, but the following example comes 
> to mind.
> SA (running on your receiving MTA) receives a message from an MTA (which is 
> itself an MSA) of an external Business-to-Business partner (thus a trusted 
> MTA that is not internal to the recipient's organization) which itself 
> received the message from a client on an RFC 1918 network without reverse DNS.

If that MSA is requiring authentication (as it should) and recording that in 
the Received header (as it should) then as I understand it, the handoff of the 
message will not be considered for __RDNS_NONE.

>> Of course not, but if a machine is trusted to tell the truth in Received 
>> headers and has no rDNS because it is talking to a close affiliate on a 
>> RFC1918 IP, in what sense is it not internal?
> Trusting a B2B partner's external MTA.

OK, but in that case the MTA would use an IP that should be in trusted_networks 
and have rDNS.

>> Or is it in internal_networks but there's something wrong in how SA is 
>> parsing Received headers to build X-Spam-Relays-External?
>> I think the fix for all is for everyone to get their internal_networks and 
>> trusted_networks configurations correct.
> What should trusted_networks and internal_networks be set to in the B2B 
> scenario I'm describing?

The partner machine's IP should be in trusted_networks AND should have rDNS as 
an explicit technical requirement of the cooperation, which is entirely 

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