On 20201120 18:35:35, noel.but...@ausics.net wrote:
On 2020-11-21 04:59, Jakob Curdes wrote:

To all: please also rememember that this list is international and not
every corner of the world is interested in the way the current
conflicts in the U.S. are handled.

well said!

Or, in other words, the Nth amendment is part of the U.S.
constitution, for me as a german  my own constitution is the
guide-rail. And yes, it allows me to block spam.....
And yes, please let us keep politics out of this list.

and as an Australian, the right to block spammers was supported by the courts a very long time ago (those of us old enough i'm sure remember t3 direct who insisted he had the right to spam and not be blocked - but the courts ruled otherwise)

That said, our own Spam Act also excludes charities, pollies and religions - however we still have a right to filter/trash/block/not-deliver their trash to inboxes, its just those orgs cant be prosecuted.

It's worth noting that based on what these loud-mouths are saying they have not really read the US Consitution carefully in at least their lifetime. All they know is what their favorite pundit says the constitution says when said pundit is itself ignorant or is intentionally biased and trying to use outrage to increase viewership. Americans, at least, should read what they are prattling about.

{o.o}   ( <- has an unfortunate habit of revisiting those words rather often. So I am led to shake my head ruefully and laugh at the same time over the ignorance and extreme bias and indeed "projection" I've seen posted here.)

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