From "Frido Otten" <>
So is there anything that needs to be done to prevent false positives happening right after the shutdown?

They said they were emptying the zone files, not actually "listing the world" - so this shouldn't cause false any positives - but might cause some false negatives, especially for anyone who was overly relying on SORBS in their spam filtering? But yet - after some years - lists like this - once they've been dead for many many years - do sometimes "list the world" as a final push to get others to stop using them - if that even ever happens with SORBS? And if it ever did, I doubt that would happen anytime soon.

But definately make sure that your spam filter is ONLY ever acting on specific and valid SORBS return codes - and NOT treating ANY query being resolved that isn't NXDOMAIN - as a listing. Anyone misusing SORBS in that way - might one day have a very bad day. But that's a general truth for all DSNBLs - make sure your rules/setup for its usage only treat it as a valid listing when specific return codes are returned, that match that DNSBL's instructions, and thus NOT taking action just because some IP address was resolved by the query.

(I think any built-in/default SpamAssassin rules for SORBS - already does all of this correctly.)

Rob McEwen, invaluement

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