On Sunday 01 January 2006 00:56, jdow wrote:
>From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On Saturday 31 December 2005 12:42, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>This morning I'm going thru my JunqueMail folder and find that
>>> about a dozen msgs to the OpenOffice list, 5 or 6 to the fedeora
>>> list, and one to the gimp-print-devel list were flaged and sorted
>>> as *****SPAN*****. With one exception, all were in english.
>> Damn, ancient fingers don't reliably type what I think.  Fedeora is
>> of course fedora, and SPAN=SPAM.
>And rules=?
>I'm still batting 999 on spam and ham here. (Sadly had a spam, one
> line message, no url or any other "address", and four lines if
> silliness quotes got through. No hams marked as spam. But with the
> setup you've described in the past, "I ain't surprised, Gene ol'
> buddy."

Aww, common Joanne, I can't be all bad, why I even rode a Harley once.  
But usually rice burners, most of them brought me home from wherever 
I'd ridden them.  Except for one KZ-750, it ALWAYS came home in a 
pickup truck, so my name only lasted about a year on the title to that 

Anyway, the rule thats applying the 3.8 score is HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2.

ATM, I have a "grep -R HELO_DYNAMIC_IPADDR2 *" running from / because 
that rule isn't present in any of the .spamassassin(/rulesdujour) 
or /etc/mail/spamassassin directories.  If I can reduce that by about 
1.2, that would fix the majority of the FP's here.  That rule even 
grabbed a message from a close friend just 10 miles away last nite 
cause he'd also stuck a bunch of !!! on the end of a happy new year 
subject line.

I expect that grep to take a few hours, over 300+GB of drives live off 
of /, but there isn't any way to tell grep to ignore /amandatapes, 
which is 180GB of that.  Not that I know of anyway.  You'll instruct 
me I expect if there is...

I hope you & yours had a merry Christmas, and a suitably blurry new 

Cheers, Gene
People having trouble with vz bouncing email to me should add the word
'online' between the 'verizon', and the dot which bypasses vz's
stupid bounce rules.  I do use spamassassin too. :-)
Yahoo.com and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
message by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2005 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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