Edward Diener wrote:
Does anybody know the instructions for training SA with the contents of the Thunderbird Junk folder ?

My web host, where SA is tunning, suggests I do this in order to reduce the amount of spam I get, and I can login to my web host, transfer files from my local machine to my web host, and run SA commands.

I have my users use the redirect plugin to send spams to an account on the server just for this purpose. The redirect plugin will add a few headers (and so will your mail server) that need to be cleaned out first. If you just train on the junk folder file, you'll have to remove all of the thunderbird related stuff first -- this was more work than redirecting to a mail box. I have a script (VBS) that runs on the mail server every night that takes the redirected mails, cleans the headers, and moves them over to the folder for the SA server to pick up from. A little later a bash script grabs the mail off the win mail server, runs through the files and learns them as spam (ham is done in bulk learns manually, but I could automate this as well.) This same mailbox is my spam trap, so any other mails that end up there are also trained as spam. With my user base, they are good enough to police themselves, and I have just about all of our customers and vendors whitelisted.


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