JamesDR wrote:
Edward Diener wrote:
Does anybody know the instructions for training SA with the contents of the Thunderbird Junk folder ?

Upload them as single messages to your ISP account. If you have a special folder in TB (Thunderbird) for the messages you want to train on you can find that folder file (in your TB user folder) and upload that. TB stores messages in mbox format which SA can parse.

I have my users use the redirect plugin to send spams to an account on the server just for this purpose. The redirect plugin will add a few headers (and so will your mail server) that need to be cleaned out first. If you just train on the junk folder file, you'll have to remove all of the thunderbird related stuff first -- this was more work than

These will help for the TB headers:

bayes_ignore_header X-Account-Key
bayes_ignore_header X-UIDL
bayes_ignore_header X-Mozilla-Status
bayes_ignore_header X-Mozilla-Status2


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