mouss wrote:
> since most filters skip large messages, it may be tempting for spammers
> to send large messagess:

I did some statistical analysis few weeks ago with SA 3.1.1
(SA called from amavisd-new, but that is beside the point).

Please see:
    Shows spam score vs. mail size as a scattergram
    Shows elapsed time for mail checking vs. mail size
    (shown is total time, but >90% of it reflects processing
    within SA and its plugins)

As a curiosity (but off topic), harvesting results from p0f
(passive operating system fingerprinting), here are two more:
    Spam score vs. IP distance in hops (our server is
    in European academic network Geant)

  And perhaps most interesting of all (by again OT):
    Spam score distribution as a percentage of all mail,
    separate by each sending mail client's operating system.


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