Ruben Cardenal wrote:
> Hi,
>   Let's say I have:
>   header __ID1 /regexp1/
>   header __ID2 /regexp2/
>   header __ID3 /regexp3/
>   meta MYID ((__ID1 + __ID2 + __ID3) > 1)
>   score MYID 1
>   When a message triggers MYID, is there any way in the X-Spam-Report of
> showing which individual parts of the meta the message matched?

No, but you can do something like this:

 header ID1 /regexp1/
 score ID1 0.0001
 header ID2 /regexp2/
 score ID2 0.0001
 header ID3 /regexp3/
 score ID3 0.0001

 meta MYID ((ID1 + ID2 + ID3) > 1)
 score MYID 1

This will force ID1-3 to be evaluated as normal rules and show up in the hit
list, but will give them an insignificant score. (You can't make the score 0,
that will disable them)

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