hi all i recently install spamassassin in freebsd but i can't find the
file that contain the scores i need to chage for example  NO_RDNS rule to
give 3.0 but i can't find the file

 0.5 NO_RDNS                Sending MTA has no reverse DNS (Postfix
 0.8 BR_REMOVER_QUOTE       BODY: Inclui texto para remover email
 0.1 TW_LB                  BODY: Odd Letter Triples with LB
 0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_42        BODY: 4alpha-pock-2alpha
 0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_33        BODY: 3alpha-pock-3alpha
 0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_62        BODY: 6alpha-pock-2alpha
 2.0 BR_SPAMMER_URI         URI: Texto suspeito
 2.6 NO_DNS_FOR_FROM        DNS: Envelope sender has no MX or A DNS
 0.5 MIME_BAD_LINEBREAK     Message body with fishy line breaks
-1.6 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list


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