Pablo Allietti wrote:
> hi all i recently install spamassassin in freebsd but i can't find
> the file that contain the scores i need to chage for example
> NO_RDNS rule to give 3.0 but i can't find the file
>  0.5 NO_RDNS                Sending MTA has no reverse DNS (Postfix
> variant)
>  0.8 BR_REMOVER_QUOTE       BODY: Inclui texto para remover email
> (quote)
>  0.1 TW_LB                  BODY: Odd Letter Triples with LB
>  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_42        BODY: 4alpha-pock-2alpha
>  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_33        BODY: 3alpha-pock-3alpha
>  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_62        BODY: 6alpha-pock-2alpha
>  2.0 BR_SPAMMER_URI         URI: Texto suspeito
>  2.6 NO_DNS_FOR_FROM        DNS: Envelope sender has no MX or A DNS
> records
>  0.5 MIME_BAD_LINEBREAK     Message body with fishy line breaks
> -1.6 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto
> white-list 

The file that has scores for the default rules is

However, you do not want to make changes to that file, because they
will be overwritten every time you upgrade.

Instead, put your changes in your file.  This file is read
after the default rule files and will override the default rule and
score definitions.

for your example, just add this line to your file:

    score NO_RDNS 3.0

Also, you should always be careful when creating high-scoring rules.
Frequently, rules that sound like really good spam-sign turn out to
have lots of false positives in practice.  Since NO_RNDS has a default
score of just 0.5, I would suspect that this might be the case here as
well.  So if you make this change, be sure to keep a close eye out for
false positives.


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