On Wed, 02 Aug 2006 10:43:41 -0400, "Rosenbaum, Larry M."
> > From: David Cary Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ...
> > Look for social and societal solutions. Spammers keep pace with
> > every technological method.
> > 
> > "Our" greatest failure is that we have not promulgated the notion
> > that purchasing goods and services from spammers is subsidizing
> > criminals. It is not - and should be - socially unacceptable to
> > buy from spammers. When have you ever seen a public service
> > advertisement - on any medium - regarding this issue?
> Perhaps we could tie that in with the war on terror?  "If you buy
> from a spammer, you're putting money in the terrorists' pockets."
> It might even work better than the similar-themed war on drugs ads.

I would be very happy if the blacklist I administer was rendered
unnecessary. There's enough pointless hyperbole floating around to
make a US Congressman seem pragmatic.

You can filter it, delete it and blacklist it. You can employ any
number of commercial schemes that claim to kill off all of the spam
that you might otherwise receive.

At the end of the day, though, if there is a solution it is on the
demand side.

Spam will cease when people cease purchasing goods and services
marketed through spam. Doing so subsidizes criminals.

Our DNSRBL - Eliminate Spam at the Source: http://www.TQMcube.com
               Don't Subsidize Criminals: http://boulderpledge.org

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