Hi all,

I'm having a problem running spamassassin on Debian stable (version 3.1). All of my spam (and I get about 5-10/day) is being marked as ham with a score of 0.1. In the few days so far that I've ran it, nothing has been marked as spam except for the "test spam" file which came with the installation (that was scored at 900-something).

I was wondering if this is a problem with Debian stable. Since it isn't up-to-date except for security patches, does that mean the rules, etc. are also out-of-date? Debian stable happens to use version 3.0.3 of spamassassin -- quite out of date. Or is it a problem with how I am running it? I didn't change any of the settings as I assumed the installation defaults would be "ok".

Any thoughts? Is upgrading spamassassin (or waiting for Debian stable to get upgraded) my best option?


I would suggest installing a newer version from backports.org.

In /etc/apt/sources.list add this if it is not there now:

deb http://www.backports.org/debian/ sarge-backports main contrib non-free

In /etc/apt/preferences, add:

Package: *
Pin: release a=sarge-backports
Pin-Priority: 200

Place this in an /etc/apt/apt.conf file:

APT::Cache-Limit "25165824";

Run 'apt-get update', then to simulate:

apt-get -s -t sarge-backports install spamassassin

Then to install (upgrade):

apt-get -t sarge-backports install spamassassin

How are you integrating spamassassin?

Gary V

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