Hi Gary and others,

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Gary V wrote:
read this, it may validate your choice to stay stable:

No, I'll definitely stay with stable. I have dabbled with testing for a bit and it was "fun" learning about Debian and breaking it and fixing it again. But unfortunately, Debian isn't a hobby, but also my work machine and more time I spend fixing it is less time for work...even if I justify it by saying I am learning about Debian. I tied an imaginery string around my finger to stop me from going to anything other than stable.

As for Magnus' message, I have also tried pinning. It works, but it is a bigger step than using something like backports.org. I broke my system and went up to testing as a solution last time; realized my mistake and went downt to stable and trying to tempt myself again. Granted, many pin successfully...but I'm not a good enough Debian sysadmin to succeed with pinning.

Yes, once you are using 3.1.1 or greater, run 'sa-update' - you will get a complete set of up-to-date rules.

Thanks for the instructions; I will give that a try. My upgrade with backports.org went successful and I did it before reading Michel's message about using CPAN to install SA. It's catching 25% of the spam now, instead of 0%...I've seen a few messages about boosting its accuracy; I'll look into that next. Thank you all for your help!


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