Evan Platt wrote:
> From: "Loren Wilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > The first case obviously isn't using network tests.  -L on spamd
> > startup? Permissions problem?  Different usercode than what you ran
> > the test under? Different home directory?
> > 
> > I'd make a guess at the -L parameter as a first shot.
> Unless I'm misunderstanding..
> I changed my procmailrc to;
> > 0fw: spamassassin.lock
> > spamd -L -c -s 512000

This should be:

    spamc -c -s 512000

> Now it appears spamassassin isn't checking mail at all, as the mail
> isn't marked up at all.
> My cron entry upon bootup is:
> /opt/local/bin/spamd -L

Get rid of the '-L'.


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