Marc Perkel wrote:
> Agreed Phil
> True - SPF his hopelessly broken and must die.
> Repeat after me SPF breaks email forwarding. SRS breaks the ability to
> do conditionals based on the true from address. SPF blocks no spam but
> it does create false positives on legitimate email. It's a technology
> that has no up side at all and a severe down side.

Mark, SPF isn't an anti-spam technology. Anyone who says it is, is an
imbecile. SPF is an anti-forgery technology. Those who continue to think
of SPF purely as a spam control technology are doomed to be disappointed
and/or endlessly make posts like "SPF can be evaded by spammers, they
just publish their own SPF". Duh.

That said, your comment about blocking no spam is pure horsehockey. I
have plenty of spam matching SPF_FAIL and SPF_SOFTFAIL.

I've also have had no FPs from SPF, except websites like that
insist upon forging my domain as the envelope sender when generating
emails to my HR staff. Actually, MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, From: and To: are
all identical. Brilliant.

And SRS does not break the ability to do conditionals, because the true
envelope from address is still a part of the rewritten envelope from.
You just need to make your conditionals match the SRS version.

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