Phil Barnett schrieb:
On Thursday 21 June 2007 03:38, Matthias Keller wrote:

Just try to delete the downloaded files in your rules_du_jour folder
(for example /etc/mail/spamassassin/rules_du_jour/* ), respectively just
the rule(s) that go wrong.I then redownloads the rules correctly and
you're clear to go with RDJ again

Did that two days ago. And everything came in fine and worked. I linted it then and tonight and the current ruleset lints fine.

The error messages are from the RDJ script pulling in a new file. It does look like the RDJ script is pulling the wrong file because the lint error shows html tags and there aren't any in my current file.

If it is true that there are no updates, then why is the RDJ script trying to update anything? Is the RDJ server still being DOS'd?

This (see post new patch for rules_du_jour ... (Lindsay
Haisley)/18.06.2007) works fine here.

But you probably have to delete the faulty .cf files manually.

-------------------- <cut here> ------------------------
--- /root/rules_du_jour.orig    2007-06-17 21:01:24.000000000 -0500
+++ /var/lib/spamassassin/rules_du_jour 2007-06-18 12:37:44.000000000 -0500
@@ -907,6 +907,8 @@
     [ "${SEND_THE_EMAIL}" ] && echo -e "${MESSAGES}" | sh -c "${MAILCMD} -s 
\"RulesDuJour Run Summary on ${HOSTNAME}\" ${MAIL_ADDRESS}";
+grep -il 'META HTTP-EQUIV' ${TMPDIR}/*|xargs -n1 rm -f +
 cd ${OLDDIR};
-------------------- <cut here> ------------------------


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