Just in case, make sure the --lint passess with no complaints, e.g:

  # su vscan -c 'spamassassin --lint'

David B Funk writes,
> Cannot tell for sure (I don't use amavisd) but that looks like something
> is broken in the way that messages are being passed into the SA engine so
> that it no longer 'sees' headers vs body part of the message.
> The RFC message format is headers first, then a blank line then body.
> So if something is feeding a blank line to SA -first- then the message,
> SA will think that the message has no headers and -all- of it is "body".

So it seems. I'm not aware of any such compatibility problems between
amavisd and SpamAssassin, it is more likely it is a mail submission problem,
or there was really such a broken mail that arrived to MTA 'from the wild'.

> Is there some way to collect telemetry on what is actually being fed into
> the SA engine? Some amavisd option that is equivalent to running spamd
> with the '-D' option?

  # amavisd debug-sa
turns on SpamAssassin logging.

If a mail gathered enough spam points it was already captured in a
quarantine and can be examined there.

An alternative is to specify a 'test sender address', e.g.:
  @debug_sender_maps = ( ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'] );
When a mail is seen whose envelope sender address matches the configured
one, a temporary file with a message is preserved and can be examined.
The log reports the fact, and tells the directory, e.g.:

  in /var/amavis/tmp-am/amavis-20070924T195255-42432


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