Loren Wilton wrote:
X-SpamFilter-By: BOX Solutions SpamTrap 1.1 with qID lBDNlb6m031347, This message is to be blocked by code: bkndr63272 Subject: [Spam-Mail] We invite you to join us as a Silver PowerSeller! (This message should be blocked: bkndr63272)

Shame they didn't just block it so I woudln't have to!

Hehe - I've seen this happen before - e.g. messages from AOL and others with 'X-Spam-Flag: YES' in the headers, but not in this particular format. I now block these at SMTP time:

214-2.0.0 age=54139 (00 15:02:19)
214-2.0.0 004 CLIENTS=341510 (100.00%)
214-2.0.0 110 spamd-sender-marked-spam=16 (0.04%)

So it doesn't happen that often. I did try writing an SA header rule for these first, but it appears that SA strips out 'X-Spam-Flag' headers out before the rules are run.


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