Tony Bunce wrote:
Sorry for the Off Topic thread but I’m at a loss.

Is anyone else having issues sending mail to Yahoo?

They are returning 421 Message temporarily deferred to every message my servers try to send. My server then retries like it should but yahoo never accepts the message, even after day of retrying. Google turned up several people having the same issue but no one with a solution. My DSN is right, I have SPF records, and sign outgoing messages using DomainKeys.

I’ve filled out every form on the yahoo support site without any luck at all. Anyone else seeing this problem or know of a way to get to a real person at yahoo? There are a few reports online that yahoo has a paid support phone number that will fix the problem but no one list a phone number, and as much as I don’t want to pay yahoo just to accept my messages I’m running out of options and the customer complaints are getting more frequent every day.

Same here. I run or look after about 25 mail servers, located all around the world, and they all have the same problem.

Strangely enough, the majority of the spam that gets through our filters is from Yahoo.

I've pretty much given up on them and I tell clients who inquire or complain to ask their yahoo counterparts to use another free mail service like hotmail or gmail.



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