On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 03:45:25PM +0100, mouss wrote:
> Henrik K a écrit :
> > On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 01:52:46PM +0100, Jonas Eckerman wrote:
> >> Benny Pedersen wrote:
> >>
> >>> i have changed to use BadRelay from
> >>> http://sa.hege.li/BadRelay.pm
> >>> http://sa.hege.li/BadRelay.cf
> >> After reading BadRelay.pm I see that it does not really replace Botnet.
> >>
> >> Some of the differences in what is checked are due to Botnet doing 
> >> DNS-lookups while BadRelay avoids that. That's fair enough since one of 
> >> the points of BadRelay is to avoid those lookups. It does mean that 
> >> BadRelay has less info to base decisions on than Botnet though.
> > 
> > Less info only if you are running a sad MTA, that doesn't properly resolve.
> not completely true.
> $ host
> domain name pointer
> $ host
> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> if you get a message from this IP, postfix will set the name to
> "unknown". so you won't detect that the PTR is dynamic.
> and "unknown" is also used if there is a dns failure, or if the PTR
> doesn't "confirm" (ip -> ptr -> different IP). so you can't treat all
> "unknown" similarly.
> I know you can block the IP in postfix (I block the whole
> dynamic.163data.com.cn), but this is just an example (I'm too lazy to
> look for a better one), and I hope you see my point.

Well, for what it matters, unknown is fine by mine. I greylist all of them.
I block unknowns that are in any BLs. I don't directly block hostnames with
dynamic content (only known bad isps), but I do block dynamic helos. I don't
see any problems on what you said.

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