Benny Pedersen wrote:

i have changed to use BadRelay from

After reading I see that it does not really replace Botnet.

Some of the differences in what is checked are due to Botnet doing DNS-lookups while BadRelay avoids that. That's fair enough since one of the points of BadRelay is to avoid those lookups. It does mean that BadRelay has less info to base decisions on than Botnet though.

One differences is simply due to the fact that all Badrelay does is the simple regexp matches. BadRelay doesn't have Botnet's check for IP in host name, wich it could do without DNS lookups.

Also, it should be a small and simple change to Botnet in order to use some of it's functions without making it do it's own DNS lookups AFAICT. The eval checks "botnet_ipinhostname", "botnet_clientwords" and "botnet_serverwords" should be able work without any DNS lookups with this small change. I might do a patch for this (if there is any interest).

What would be nice though would be a plugin that:

1: Have a simple (for the user) cf option to decide on wether *any* additional DNS lookups should *ever* be done or not.

2: If told to do lookups, do as many of those as possible asynchronously, the way SAs DNSL checks are done.

This would require a redesign of the plugins structure though. I *might* do this (in that case I'd do a completely new plugin based on Botnet) if I get time for it, but I currently have no way of knowing when or if that might be.

Jonas Eckerman, FSDB & Fruktträdet

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