(Sorry if this is a repost, but I sent it 3 hours ago and it's not shown up on any of the archives, so I think it got munched somewhere)

I executed the following (as root):

/home $ for i in `ls`
>   do if test -s $i/Mail/SPAM; then
>     echo $i ;
> /usr/local/bin/sa-learn --spam --mbox --progress -u $i $i/Mail/ SPAM ;
>   fi
>   done

And got the following (progress bars compressed for neatness)
 0% [=        ]   1.59 msgs/sec 21m04s LEFTKilled: 9
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
100% [=========]   6.71 msgs/sec 00m00s DONE
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (5 message(s) examined)
Killed: 9
30% [===      ]   4.02 msgs/sec 00m02s LEFTKilled: 9
0% [ ] 0.00 msgs/sec --m--s LEFTSegmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
0% [ ] 0.00 msgs/sec --m--s LEFTSegmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
0% [ ] 0.00 msgs/sec --m--s LEFTSegmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
100% [=========]   9.65 msgs/sec 00m05s DONE
Learned tokens from 7 message(s) (50 message(s) examined)
 3% [====     ]   3.32 msgs/sec 00m45s LEFTKilled: 9
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)

(most of my users are in mysqld/postfix admin with maildirs, so I deal with their SPAM folders automatically before expiring old SPAM)

So, I tried to run sa-learn manually over some of the same mailboxes and got varying amount of 'success' before it crashed, the first SPAM box is 17M and IU got anywhere from 0-7% through before crashing.

So, first question is why the crashes? Second question is, can I use formail -s to split the mbox up and feed one message at a time to sa- learn? And if so, what is the syntax? sa-learn seems to want a file and I just don't know if piping a few hundred messages at it from formail is going to work, or if setting up a procmail to pipe each message one at a time will work.

formail -s procmail -m salrc <SPAM

:0 fw
| sa-learn --spam


Passion is the pill you can swallow forever Taking them one by one
        One by One --Agents of Good Roots "Come On"

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