Jeremy Morton a écrit :
> Unless I'm missing something, this is going to be utterly useless for
> me.  Wikipedia says:
> "E-mail that is being bounced back should have an empty (null) return
> address so that bounces are never created for a bounce and therefore you
> can't get messages bouncing back and forth forever."
> I'm not quite sure what they mean by 'return address'; do they mean the
> From: field?  If so, all the backscatter I'm getting has a From: address
> so none of it would be considered bounce messages by BATV; it would be
> considered regular mail.

the recipient of the bounce is the sender of the original message. so if
you use BATV, you could block bounces sent to a non BATV address.

but you can only do that if all sent mail is BATV-tagged. otherwise, you
would reject legitimate bounces.

another possibility is to use BATV as a whitelist mechanism:
- accept any bounces to a BATV tagged address
- be aggressive with other bounces

anyway, the only fix for the outscatter problem is to fix the sites that
send it. maybe at some time they should be completely blacklisted. at
least, this is what stopped open relay...

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