On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 21:40 -0700, John Rudd wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 21:11, Bill Landry<b...@inetmsg.com> wrote:
> > Jake Maul wrote:
> >> Interesting that I'm just now running into this... I've been using
> >> Botnet on this server for several months without issue.
> >>
> >> Thanks for the link, shorter timeouts should cure it. :)

The patch was originally developed when SpamAssassin's resolver library
was patched to shorten the timeouts.  I suggested the changes to mimic
the SpamAssassin code.

> > Even though Mark Martinec had provided John Rudd with a nice, neat patch
> > for botnet.pm well over a year ago to resolve this issue, John has not
> > opted to take the 5 minutes that is necessary to fix botnet by applying
> > the patch.  He is no longer maintaining botnet, and it has become an
> > orphaned plugin that is in serious need of repair.

If you feel that way about it, fork it.  I personally don't feel that
way about John's work.
> That's a rather presumptuous statement to make.
> The plug-in works in the vast majority of cases, and I've had higher
> priority things to work on. But the plug-in has not been abandoned (no
> are you qualified to make that statement), nor is it in _serious_ need
> of repair.
> Nor do you know how much pre-release work (testing, etc.) I put into a
> release, whether or not that's the solution to the specific problem I
> want to go with, etc., 

Correct.  A more elegant solution would be to use the parallelizing
resolver library built into SpamAssassin, but that would increase the
complexity significantly, and take a lot more time to get right.  I know
I don't have the time to do that sort of development properly, and I
fully sympathize with John's priorities.

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281, CNX

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