
I agree  that one should be able to read the mail headers, but unless
you knew to look there, you wouldn't really ever care to.  Especially
when wanting to unsubscribe.  I don't think it has ever come across my
mind to look there.  RFC's aside...a link at the bottom of the email
is the easiest.  I don't plan on unsubscribing so I don't really care,
but being bull headed is pointless in this case.

Curtis LaMasters

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:47 PM, LuKreme<> wrote:
> On 12-Jun-2009, at 10:36, Raquel wrote:
>> It's called "double opt-in"
> No it's not. It's called 'subscription confirmation'.
> "Double opt-in" is a spammer phrase invented to imply that a form on a web
> page asking for an email address is "opt-in".
> --
> Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you *think*
>        before you break 'em.

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