Paweł Tęcza wrote:
> Also a lot of spams I received have good reverse IP address. We use
> greylisting for our mail system, but we still receive that spam.
> Maybe that IP address above has been noted on popular RBL lists, but the
> spammers still use new infected machines, so they can leave RBLed hosts.
> So I would like to find better solution for fighting that spam than only
> using RBLs.

I don't really agree with you; RBLs like the Spamhaus PBL and SORBL DUHL
list hosts dynamic/consumer IP ranges that should not be connecting
directly to port 25 and these are precisely the hosts that are sending
this spam; using the PBL myself and that kills 99.99% of these spams
cheaply without requiring the more expensive SA checks.

And this rule kills any that get relayed or are from infected hosts not
listed in the PBL:

# Image spam
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
mimeheader  __ANY_IMAGE_ATTACH  Content-Type =~ /image\/\w+/i
header      __FSL_BOGUS_TZ      Date =~ /\s-0200\s\(\S+\)$/
score       FSL_IMAGE_SPAM1     5.0

Note: requires that you have the MIMEHeader plug-in enabled.

Normally I wouldn't post these rules here; but I'm interested to see how
long before this rule gets rendered unless by the botmaster that's
sending these.


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