We have been looking at these also.

In most cases they are indeed being dropped by the MTA checks and our own internal BLs.

Most of what slips through is being forwarded from a couple of legit servers that have no filtering (and we are working on that). So the MTA doesn't drop them since the forwarding servers are legit and hands them to Spamassassin.

It would be nice if anyone can spot a pattern that would allow SpamAssassin to catch these even if the MTA checks fail. I have been looking and found nothing so far.

In case more examples will help...here are a few that were forwarded to me:


And no worries if this group can not find a pattern to check for. Sometimes the ONLY way to catch a spam is to deal with it based on the MTA sender characteristics.

Andy Dorman
Ironic Design, Inc.
AnteSpam.com, HomeFreeMail.com, ComeHome.net

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