On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, snowweb wrote:
> I'm trying to view these threads online, it's obvious that this is
> more orientated to mailing list users, buy the two minutes effort
> that they spent building the online 'forum' type interface. I notice
> that when you compare the install base of SpamAssassin which must be
> in the hundreds of thousands or more, with the number of support
> requests being added to this mailing list, it is clear that most
> requiring support are intimidated by this alien way of providing it.
> Out of all those people only eight needed support so far today!
> That's unbelievable. Somethings wrong here; Very wrong.

Perhaps the software works fine?
Or perhaps the people asking questions decided to do a google search 
first and found their answer that way.

> Most of the internet community is used to obtaining support from
> forums, not mailing lists. Take my control panel provider
> "DirectAdmin". They have a far smaller install base, supplying
> software which is significantly more intuitive than SA, but they have
> 413 users currently online on their support forum and have therefore
> probably had thousands of support requests today alone. Can you see
> what I'm driving at?

That means 413 people logged in to read the forum recently. Since they 
have to poll for new information it is hardly surprising there are a 
significant number marked as online.

> I understand that you guys like to work this way and you enjoy what
> you are doing, but unfortunately your great skills are being
> underexposed because of the lack of a proper forum.

The people on this list are not getting paid for it so I imagine they 
don't really care that their skills are underexposed (although I don't 
really concede that is the case anyway).

> If the forum is done right, it should be able to provide you and the
> others with the same features you currently enjoy (ie. the ability to
> receive requests and respond by email) while at the same time,
> catering for the needs of those (who seem to be the majority), who
> prefer to work via http.

For forums to work the same way they would need to be bridged to a 
mailing list so that existing users could just keep using their old 

I have in the past looked for stuff that bridges between forums and 
mailing lists (or news groups) but it doesn't seem to exist :(

> I wouldn't have interrupted you nice community with this issue, but
> unfortunately, when I search for spamassassin support forums online,
> this is about the best I can come up with (which I don't think is
> serving the majority of the SpamAssassin users... the numbers just
> don't add up).

How about the nabble version of the list?

It might be more to your liking..

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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