On 5-Oct-2009, at 14:49, Thomas Mullins wrote:

I will pull out our BSD box, and I will let them connect the Exchange box straight to the Net.

It's a shame that, living in Denver, I will be *just* out of range of hearing the screams as the mailspools fill with viruses, malware, and massive payloads of Spanish Prinsoner spams.

Really, it should be fun.

Personally, I would NOT keep the old setup standing by unless specifically told to. I would rebuild it, slowly. Take a few days, maybe a week, to get it all back online. After all, once the panic starts, its worth it to teach them a lesson. Also, there's going to be some advantage to building a nice new install with updated everything, right?

It's not like you'd be being VINDICTIVE, just cautious, right?

Battlemage? That's not a profession. It barely qualifies as a
        hobby. 'Battlemage' is about impressive a title as 'Lord of the
        Dance'. <PAUSE> I'm adding Lord of the Dance to my titles.

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