> I have no explanation,
> Their supposed complaint is, they don't know *nix.  But my 
> coworker and I manage those boxes, so even if one of us left, 
> there would be at least one person to run those boxes.
> SA/ClamAV has been working great.  Our BSD box sits in front 
> of the Exchange, hands off clean mail, what more could you 
> ask for.  We have two boxes, in case we need to take one down 
> for an upgrade. 
> I will pull out our BSD box, and I will let them connect the 
> Exchange box straight to the Net.  
> Shane


you have probably already thought of and done this yet just in case...

document the entire history of these boxes and save the configs of course...

plus.... compile as much the functional statistics as you can over the life
(logs) of those servers re: how much total email and how much malware and
ham and spam and rejected and delivered email qty etc etc...

that way, when the doodie hits the fan and end users are screaming over the
huge increase in spam, you have hard stats that tell the real story and
write the one page paper about it...

whether now, or later, possibly consider distributing it to people that
seriously need to know.

 - rh

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