Mike Cardwell wrote:
On 01/02/2010 17:31, Marc Perkel wrote:

Yep - sutterhealth.org is a hospital. Making sure good email gets
through is more important than a little bit of occasional spam.


"And if you never send spam we want you to be on our whitelist."

Please follow your own listing criteria and remove the host from your
whitelist. Alternatively, update your documentation to reflect the real
listing criteria. As it stands, I can understand sutterhealth.org being
on your NOBL list, but not on a list which you define as hosts which
"never send spam".

I would suggest that "never" is a very wrong place to draw
the whitelisting line.
Perfection is a nice goal, but can't be achieved in practice.
Even the best run systems may occasionally have a lapse. What matters most is whether they DEAL with it.


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