On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 10:52 -0800, Marc Perkel wrote:

> Mike Cardwell wrote: 
> > On 01/02/2010 17:31, Marc Perkel wrote:
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > > Yep - sutterhealth.org is a hospital. Making sure good email gets
> > > through is more important than a little bit of occasional spam.
> > >     
> > 
> > 
> > http://wiki.junkemailfilter.com/index.php/Spam_DNS_Lists
> > 
> > "And if you never send spam we want you to be on our whitelist."
> > 
> > Please follow your own listing criteria and remove the host from your
> > whitelist. Alternatively, update your documentation to reflect the real
> > listing criteria. As it stands, I can understand sutterhealth.org being
> > on your NOBL list, but not on a list which you define as hosts which
> > "never send spam".
> > 
> >   
> Never is a fuzzy line when it comes to institutions like hospitals. It
> a matter of what is important and to us at Junk Email Filter making
> sure medical email is delivered is far more important that blocking a
> few spams.

Never means exactly that, never, so your public documentation does need
modification to reflect that your version of never doesn't equal the
dictionaries and most peoples understanding of it.

I can see your point though, however,  and it seems if you apply it to
one, questions remain as to who else you apply it to, it's just as well
all white lists in SA are scored 0 on all mail servers I control so you
don't/wont/can't decide white listing policies here.

(No , im not totally anal, hospitals here all use domain name of
health.$state.gov.au... they bypass SA and MTA tests altogether.)

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