On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 11:46 +0100, n.frank...@gmail.com wrote:
> Here's the chuckle....
> Mail transport error, MTSPro SMTP Relay Agent could not deliver the
> following message for <users@spamassassin.apache.org>.
> Reason: 550 Dynamic IP Addresses See:
> http://www.sorbs.net/lookup.shtml?

And has it taken you all that time to get BT to add this to their whois:
descr:          Single Static IP Addresses

Man, that is quality service.....

I take it you've spoken with....>

phone:          +44 207 777 7766
fax-no:         +44 1524 34523
e-mail:         steve.r.wri...@bt.com
e-mail:         ab...@bt.net
remarks:        trouble:      1st Line Support
remarks:        Please send delisting issues to btnet...@bt.net

...> and they have actually spoken with SORBS?

The old bucket still holds water. It is your ISP that needs to resolve
this - as a customer you can do nothing. Really they should have dealt
with this a long time ago. I've lost track of it, is this two weeks
later now? Really - you should sack your ISP and go to someone

You may fair better taking this to the SPAM-L mailing list where you may
find someone that actually cares. Here you will only get generic opinion
and nothing tangible to help.

Spam-l mailing list - http://spam-l.com/mailman/listinfo/spam-l

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