On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 08:43 -0400, Lee Dilkie wrote:
> First, I'd like to point out that not everyone has the option of
> changing ISP's. Believe it or not, there are many folks who have only
> one choice for high-speed internet access (myself included).
However, that doesn't apply to the OP, who is using British Telecom as
his ISP. My broadband connection goes through the local BT exchange and
copper after that, but BT has never been my ISP. I initially used Demon
as my ISP, switching to my current ISP (who subcontract broadband
connectivity to a third party, *not* BT) when I discovered that Demon
didn't offer a suitable package that included domain registration. 

The OP can do exactly what I did. 

Out of pure curiosity, what is there about the broadband set-up in your
locality that could prevent you from doing something similar? Are both
your broadband provider and your ISP monopolies?


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