On 4/30/10 8:22 AM, "Martin Gregorie" <mar...@gregorie.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 08:43 -0400, Lee Dilkie wrote:
>> First, I'd like to point out that not everyone has the option of
>> changing ISP's. Believe it or not, there are many folks who have only
>> one choice for high-speed internet access (myself included).
> However, that doesn't apply to the OP, who is using British Telecom as
> his ISP. My broadband connection goes through the local BT exchange and
> copper after that, but BT has never been my ISP. I initially used Demon
> as my ISP, switching to my current ISP (who subcontract broadband
> connectivity to a third party, *not* BT) when I discovered that Demon
> didn't offer a suitable package that included domain registration.
> The OP can do exactly what I did.
> Out of pure curiosity, what is there about the broadband set-up in your
> locality that could prevent you from doing something similar? Are both
> your broadband provider and your ISP monopolies?

For me, it was the case the last time I renegotiated my contract for my
business-class broadband at home.  Short of bringing in a T1 at
$600-$1000/month, I had exactly one choice for a provider that would provide
me with a static /29 and a SWIP record - the monopoly cable provider.  In
another year or so I'll see if the monopoly POTS provider can provide the
service I need - they promise the moon in their advertisements but balk
really fast when you start to ask specific, tangible questions.
Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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