I have an Ubuntu Linux server running SpamAssassin Server version 3.2.4 running
on Perl 5.8.8 with zlib support (Compress::Zlib 2.008).  I have at least one
account that is having to process from 250 - 400 emails, 99% spam, per HOUR. 
This works out to be approximately 8,000 emails per day.  The spamassassin just
can't keep up and it is backing the Queue upto 2500 messages.  I have made an
adjustment so that the one user can have multiple spamd children running for it,
but it doesn't seem to take on more that 2 spamd children.  

I have also recorded that scanning a single message appears to take
approximately 15 seconds.  I have adjusted the timeout to 5 seconds, but it
still appears to be taking 12 - 20 second per message.  This works out to 4 per
minute, or 240 per hour.  So, of course, it can't keep up if it has 450 per hour
coming at it.

The system is a basic Linode running Ubuntu Linux 8.04 with 512M of memory.
I would like to adjust appropriately

Number of Max Children
Number of Spare Children
Number of spamd services per account (upto max children if possible)
TimeOut on Scanning of the eMail

Suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank You

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