On 11/1/2010 12:59 AM, Russ Sanders wrote:
> I have an Ubuntu Linux server running SpamAssassin Server version 3.2.4 
> running
> on Perl 5.8.8 with zlib support (Compress::Zlib 2.008).  I have at least one
> account that is having to process from 250 - 400 emails, 99% spam, per HOUR. 
> This works out to be approximately 8,000 emails per day.  The spamassassin 
> just
> can't keep up and it is backing the Queue upto 2500 messages.  I have made an
> adjustment so that the one user can have multiple spamd children running for 
> it,
> but it doesn't seem to take on more that 2 spamd children.  
> I have also recorded that scanning a single message appears to take
> approximately 15 seconds.  I have adjusted the timeout to 5 seconds, but it
> still appears to be taking 12 - 20 second per message.  This works out to 4 
> per
> minute, or 240 per hour.  So, of course, it can't keep up if it has 450 per 
> hour
> coming at it.
> The system is a basic Linode running Ubuntu Linux 8.04 with 512M of memory.
> I would like to adjust appropriately
> Number of Max Children
> Number of Spare Children
> Number of spamd services per account (upto max children if possible)
> TimeOut on Scanning of the eMail
> Suggestions will be appreciated.

Do you have any large 3rd party rulesets?  If so, try removing them
temporarily and see if it runs faster.

Make sure you have a local caching DNS server to speed up blacklist queries.

Check your memory usage.  It sounds like you should have enough for 5
children, but it all depends on how much other stuff is running.  If the
system starts using swap, SA's performance takes a serious nosedive.  If
that is the case, either reduce the number of children or add memory.


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