* Mark Martinec <mark.martinec...@ijs.si>:
> On Thursday February 10 2011 21:14:59 Adam Katz wrote:
> > Does this affect sendmail as well as postfix?  I assume so,
> > but wanted an explicit confirmation.
> Yes, the security hole is entirely within the milter,
> independent of the MTA.

I tried the exploit and it seems that Postfix' restrictions that check for FQDN
address and correct recipient syntax prevent the exploit from getting through:

telnet mail.example.de 25
220 mail.example.de ESMTP Postfix
HELO foo
250 mail.example.de
250 2.1.0 Ok
RCPT TO:root+:"|touch /tmp/foo"
501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
RCPT TO:<root+:"|touch /tmp/foo">
504 5.5.2 <root+:|touch /tmp/foo>: Recipient address rejected: need 
fully-qualified address
RCPT TO:<root@localhost+:"|touch /tmp/foo">
501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
221 2.0.0 Bye

Can anyone confirm this?


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